Historic Acton Calendar
Did you receive your FREE Historic Acton calendar for 2024? Those living in Acton and the close surrounding area would have received a mailed copy by now. If you haven't received a copy, and would like one, the following local organizations have more available: Home Hardware, Canada Post Acton Office, WhistleStop Restaurant, MacMillans, Acton Optical & Halton Hills Public Library.
As in years past, the 2024 edition contains interesting articles about historic happenings and interesting people from Acton who have shaped the community. We are very appreciative of those residents who share their stories and photographs that are included for our enjoyment. Each calendar is a walk down memory lane for many who have lived here for years, and provides interesting info for those who are newer residents. The Acton community is a very rich source for historical facts and memorabilia. Did you know that Rocket Richard visited Acton in 1963? You can read all about it in the month of March page.
The first page of the calendar is dedicated to the 50 year anniversary of the formation of the municipal government known as Halton Hills. Prior to the amalgamation, Acton Town Hall was the center of Acton's municipal government. Along with the birth of Halton Hills, came the rescue and emergence of Acton Town Hall Centre as a proudly independent, all-volunteer run historical building and community meeting space. Heritage Acton, the non-profit organization that now owns & maintains the ATHC, could not operate the hall without the ongoing donations from local businesses & individuals, special event fundraisers and the fees collected from the ongoing leases and rental of this beautiful space.
The calendar committee is working already on next year’s issue! There will be more spaces available for ads so if you would like to purchase a spot or two for very reasonable prices please let us know. The money from the ads is what pays for the ever increasing cost of printing and mailing. The dedication of the volunteers on the committee ensures a quality product, with any profits going directly to Heritage Acton for the upkeep and maintenance of Acton Town Hall Centre.
There wouldn’t be a Historic Calendar without the continued support of yearly loyal sponsors, and new ones coming on board for 2024. Huge thanks to you all!
2024 Acton Historic Calendar Committee
Winters of Acton’s Past
Throughout the years of Acton’s existence, the winter months have been noted as typically being cold and snowy, with some winters having snowdrifts well over your head -- or a school bus as was the case in 1969! But traditional winters have not always been the case. Just four years after Acton received the name of Acton, local merchant John Holgate recorded in his diary that February of 1848 had been “unusually mild and open – no sleighing yet & an atmosphere some days as balmy as spring…”.
One hundred and thirty-six years later, in January of 1986, there would be yet another warmer-than-usual winter. Acton Voice reporter Tracey Tyler, was pictured sprawled out on a lawn chair catching some rays while reading the latest edition of her local newspaper.
During many of the notably cooler winters of the past, Acton residents have participated in numerous winter sports and activities including ice skating at the old arena, on Fairy Lake in Prospect Park and on the former Henderson’s Pond on Bower Avenue. They've enjoyed tobogganing on many hills located throughout town, and riding in horse drawn sleighs in Acton's earlier years. Wintertime activities are still enjoyed today by Acton residents young and old, and we hope, for many generations to come.
Article courtesy of John Brooks, Heritage Acton Volunteer