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Highland Cow "Hairy Coo" Paint Night Fundraiser was a Success!

by Liz Bailey

On Friday September 27th, 30 people attended our paint party at the hall. What an evening of fun and creativity! Our own board member, Val Cureton, led us through the steps of producing a Highland “hairy coo” using acrylic paints. We laughed, sipped on beverages and munched on snacks while painting earnestly, producing many versions of this hairy beast on our canvases.

All of the paint, canvases, brushes and other accoutrements, including much encouragement, were provided by Val. She made us all feel worthy participants and helped out when the going got a bit rough. Who knew that so many versions of a “hairy coo” could look so awesome! I myself got so excited about how it was all turning out that I mistakenly made my sky green and the field blue. It didn’t matter - it was a work of art after all!

After the fleeting 3 hour session many of the participants were showing their work proudly. We're anticipating the next Sip and Paint night to apply what we have learned and to build on that. All for a good cause!

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